27 July 2007

esprit d'escalier

from the french phrase 'esprit d'escalier,' literally, it means 'the wit of the staircase', and usually refers to the perfect witty response you think up after the conversation or argument is ended. 'esprit d'escalier' is the reply i too often make (but keep inside my head), the pattern i cannot complete till afterwards when it suddenly comes to me with some sorta delay. "huh, whaaaa, aaah!" yep that's me in many conversations, when i get caught up with my own witty thoughts & they hit me while the conversation moves on to other topics. if you only could hear half of these crazy thoughts & ideas... "wait, whaaaa?" is what you usually hear charging out of my mouth when i snap out of it, interrupting a conversation that has sailed away without me, fueling some deep rooted feelings of abandon i have yet to make any sense of. oh well, c'est la vie... so here we are! this blog might become a forum for the delays in my head... MORE WILL BE REVEALED!