15 June 2008

i love PBS: honeybees etc.

before q department worked on a gorgeous Haagen Dazs spot earlier this year (it's currently #01 on the site), i was completely oblivious to the colony collapse disorder (CCD) affecting our precious honeybees. while pollinaters are responsible for the reproduction of 75% of all plants, providing us with tons of foods we take for granted, they are disappearing by the millions... speaking of bees, just last week, one of them died as it stung me in the back of my neck. i assume it was suffering of disorientation & behavioral problems attributed to the CCD. i hadn't been stung by a bee since i was 9 or 10 i think. as unpleasant as it was, i did feel really sad for the poor bee. may it rest in peace. anyhew, PBS is my favorite station...

tonight i got sucked in their amazing one hour documentary SILENCE OF THE BEES. i highly recommend you find out when it plays again on PBS, or check out the PODCAST. it's fascinating! without the bees, we wouldn't have all the fruits, nuts & vegetables that enrich our lives. save yourselves & the honeybees!!!

and now i'm watching the story of a voyage into isolation & the delicate mechanism of the mind. my kinda entertainment!