25 October 2010

soho house

SO(many)HO(es) in one spot... Q Department's sexy hoes, Flux's dandy hoes, Logan's darling hoes, Motion Theory's precious hoes, RSA's classy hoes and other crazy hoes... Soho Hoes have a strict no photo policy! such rules bring out the punk in me. a few friends & patrons gracefully indulged my mobile; this camera phone just has a mind of its own... anyhew, i could go on & on about the celebrities & celebutards i've seen in the sumptuous penthouse... Ridley Scott himself was the most recent. shit, the man ain't a hoe; he's a major Hollywood playa! i won't even go down the list of token recognizable actor types, cheesy agent types, overstimulated producer types, you know, the usual... on a somewhat edgier note, Flux supported The Church Of Pancakes, a curious installation by Andreas Nilsson whom i love as a person & admire as an artist... here we go:
...bitchin' video by RSA directimator Edouard Salier